We bring people and organizations together in the spirit of sharing to collaborate on building the next-generation of computing. We're all in this together and together we can do anything.

Open specifications form the central mass of what makes OSRS Open different. We believe in more than code, we believe that open specifications that describe the purpose and a minimal viable capability are the critical enablers to ensure interoperable implementations. We hope others will create implementations of our specifications in new languages and platforms they will then share back as open source code.
Interoperability. Bring your own language or platform.
Our focus on open specifications in addition to open source enables us to provide interoperable implementations in any language and for any platform. We understand that systems are becoming an integral part of organizations and that reusability and cross-organizational integration is becoming a real need.

Scalability. Cloud, Containers, Desktop, Mobile - same deployment, dynamically.
We enable our technologies to scale without changing the implementation from small to large scale. We believe in dynamic injection of capabilities at the service or process level for new levels of continuous deployment.
Simplicity. Easy, compact, done.
Write code once in well thought out libraries and reuse them. Make the code simple to write and dependencies easy to use with minimal "dependency hell" concerns. It should always be simple to write and manage.